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Surprise Birthday Party


DIANE: Hello?
HELEN: Hi Diane.This Is Helen.
DIANE: Hi Helen. What’s up?
HELEN: I want to throw Mom a surprise birthday party.
DIANE: That’s wonderful idea. How can t help?
HELEN: Do you know who we should invite?
DIANE: Her friends and co-workers?
HELEN: Do you have their phone numbers or e-mail addresses?
DIANE: No, I don’t. Why don’t we ask Dad? He should have them.
HELEN: Do you think Dad can keep a secret?
DIANE: Yeah. Remember he surprised her with a trip to France a couple of years ago?
HELEN: Oh yeah. Mom was surprised.
DIANE: What kind of food should we serve?
HELEN: Let’s serve Mom s favorite food, pasta I can cook.
DIANE: Ok. I can take care of the party decorations.
HELEN: Perfect. Should we get together to discuss all of the plans?
DIANE: Sure. Do you want to meet right now?
HELEN: No. I have some things to do.Can I meet you at 5 pm?
DIANE: Ok.That sounds good.
HELEN: Why don’!you come to my house? I can make us dinner.


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